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How does moisture affect the nanostructure of wood?

The last decades have seen an increase in climate protection awareness as well as significant advances in bio-based nanotechnology. Therefore, given the stringent sustainability requirements, wood-based nanomaterials have found applications in numerous fields such as energy, biomedicine, construction or as a replacement for petroleum-based polymers . Nonetheless, the performance of…
22 December 2022

Studying solutions, gels, powders and thin films with the Nano-inXider

The Nano-inXider SAXS/WAXS instrument from Xenocs was installed in November 2016 at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Interview with Professor Lam Yeng Ming after 14 months of use of the equipment. Professor Lam Yeng Ming School of Materials Science & Engineering, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeJanuary, 2018Interview with Professor Lam Yeng…
24 January 2018

Using SAXS/WAXS in our lab to study catalysts

Interview with Prof. Dr Sérgio Ribeiro Teixeira, Prof. Dr. Fernanda Poletto, Prof. Dr. Larissa Capeletti and Prof. Dr. Fabiano Bernardi, CNANO, UFRGS, Brazil (2016) Focusing their research on catalysis and photocatalysis, the L3FNano laboratory at the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto…
24 August 2016