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Customer testimonials

Cancer treatment: studying the function & regulation of PARPs proteins with SAXS Testimonials

Cancer treatment: studying the function & regulation of PARPs proteins with SAXS

"An in-house system provides the ability to respond in real time to the results, preparing new samples on the fly in response to what you are observing. This ability is often key to finding the right conditions for a particular sample." Associate Professor John Pascal, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular…
23 April 2018
Studying solutions, gels, powders and thin films with the Nano-inXider Testimonials

Studying solutions, gels, powders and thin films with the Nano-inXider

The Nano-inXider SAXS/WAXS instrument from Xenocs was installed in November 2016 at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Interview with Professor Lam Yeng Ming after 14 months of use of the equipment. Professor Lam Yeng Ming School of Materials Science & Engineering, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeJanuary, 2018Interview with Professor Lam Yeng…
24 January 2018