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  • Ask questions & share experiences with other users of the community
  • Discuss and get answers from our application scientists

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  • Watch our tutorials on basic operations
  • Follow webinars on dedicated topics specially made for you by our application team

Any need for support ?
We are here to help.

  • Comprehensive range of maintenance & support programs
  • Worldwide support
  • 24h response time


We want to make sure you get the most of your Xenocs instrument. Therefore, your training is conducted by a dedicated team of experts.

Get started with:

  • Xenocs technical training: delivered by Xenocs installation engineer team.
  • Operational & scientific training: delivered at installation time by one of Xenocs application scientists.

We accompany you in the long term with

  • Specific training, any time
  • Continuous training such as access to video tutorials, webinars, forum


Do you need an expert eye on SAXS data analysis & interpretation?
Some experimental advice?
Do you need us to analyse your sample?

Whether you have a Xenocs instrument or not, our application team is here to help.

“I have found the team at Xenocs not only technically superbly competent but also scientifically very experienced. And in the small angle scattering field it is a very important aspect because you need expert advice both in research as well as in technical instrumentation in order to make the best use of saxs instruments.”

Dr. Youli Li, Materials Research Laboratory, University of California at Santa Barbara


SAXS Services

SAXS Services – Support, Training & Consultancy From Xenocs Experts

SAXS Services – Join Xenocs SAXS User Community – Ask Questions In User Forum – Get Support, Training And Expertise From Xenocs SAXS Experts