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Extending the hydrogen storage limit in fullerene

Gaboardi, Mattia; Sarzi Amadé, Nicola; Aramini, Matteo; Milanese, Chiara; Magnani, Giacomo; Sanna, Samuele; Riccò, Mauro; Pontiroli, Daniele

By October 21st, 2019No Comments

Carbon, 2017, vol 120pp. 77-82



Li6C60 has been chosen as the most representative system to study the hydrogenation mechanism in alkali-cluster intercalated fullerides. We present here a muon spin relaxation (μSR) experiment that hints the chance to achieve a higher storage capacity on fullerene with respect to the values suggested in literature. Moreover, a linear relationship between the muonium adduct radical hyperfine frequency and the level of C60 hydrogenation was found and it can be exploited to probe the C60 hydrogenation level, giving more credit to this technique in the field of hydrogen storage materials.

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