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Xeuss 2.0 HR equipment – installation & training at Sichuan University

By 28 June 2016April 6th, 2019No Comments

The Xeuss 2.0 HR SAXS/WAXS system was installed in May 2016 at the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.


After the installation, theoretical & practical training was delivered on site.

While theoretical training is open to a large number of attendees – around eighty students attended the training at Sichuan University – practical training is delivered to small groups of users who can work directly on the machine.

Theoretical training aims to give attendees a good background on small & wide-angle x-ray scattering. It is a good opportunity for students to learn about the technique. At Sichuan University, the room was full !”, Dr Manuel Fernandez, expert scientist at Xenocs who delivered the training in Chengdu, comments.

“Most of the training we deliver is practical, though. It is really a ‘hands-on’ training on the machine. I work with a small group of end-users who learn how to use the machine and start working directly on experiments relevant to their research study.”