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Switch your energy in just a few minutes with Xenocs Dual Source Module Option

By 3 May 2016July 27th, 2020No Comments

SAXS/WAXS experiments can be optimized for a broad range of samples and applications with the Dual Source module option from Xenocs available in the Xeuss 2.0. The Dual Source Module Option is the capability to switch from one source to another source having a different energy, quickly and smoothly. Being fully motorized and smartly integrated on the Xeuss 2.0 instrument, the dual source module enables the automatic reconfiguration of the beamline in just a few minutes.

Xenocs dual source module for SAXS/WAXS instruments was first introduced in 2013 with the installation of a Mo/Cr dual beam at ARCI institute, India. The capability to perform automatic switch between two highly stable X-ray beam delivery systems of different energy (Mo/Cr) for sequential measurements on a given sample or for different measuring campaigns (1) was demonstrated.

Now a standard on the Xeuss 2.0, this option offers increased versatility for adapting to any type of experiment and enables optimized measuring performances according to the sample transmission or characteristic dimensions to be measured. Recent installations of the Xeuss 2.0 systems integrating Cu/Mo dual source modules (Cardiff University’s school of chemistry, Beijing synchrotron beamline) demonstrate the multi-applications characterization labs’ growing interest for such capability.

The dual source module is based on a motorized stage with a full software control of the switch including beamline realignment. In just a few minutes, the instrument is automatically reconfigured with the other source and ready for the next experiment. The most commonly used radiations are Copper, Molybdenum and Chromium radiations. While Copper is the standard and most frequently used radiation for soft matter analysis(2), the Mo radiation is used for instance for characterization of charged polymers, alloys with high Z elements, minerals, or experiments where very large scattering angles are looked for (3). Chromium radiation is particularly attractive for its achievable resolution and minimum scattering vector while also limiting fluorescence appearing sometimes with the Copper radiation.

(1) : S. Koppoju et al., J. Appl. Cryst., 2015, 48 

(2) : Please refer to the Xeuss 2.0 Technical Data Sheet for Copper radiation

(3) : Please refer to the Xeuss 2.0 Technical Data Sheet for Molybdenum radiation