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NEW! ‘Exploring the very small’, the Small Angle X-ray Scattering Newsletter by Xenocs

By 11 July 2016April 6th, 2019No Comments

We are thrilled to announce the launch of ‘Exploring the very small’, our quarterly Small Angle X-ray Scattering Newsletter.

Investigation of materials at the nanoscale is leading to fantastic findings, material enhancements & new products every day. Small Angle X-ray Scattering or SAXS is emerging as a major technique for characterizing materials. With ‘Exploring the very small’ we would like to share our enthusiasm for this powerful technique and hope to gather a growing community of users and scientists curious about it.

‘Exploring the very small’, will help you to keep up to date with the latest news on nanoscale characterization, provide regular insights on what can be done today with Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering, and feature new product developments & innovations in SAXS instrumentation.

We hope you will enjoy ‘Exploring the very small’.

Xenocs Editorial Team

Read ‘Exploring the very small