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Extended Law of Corresponding States Applied to Solvent Isotope Effect on a Globular Protein

Bucciarelli, Saskia; Mahmoudi, Najet; Casal-Dujat, Lucía; Jéhannin, Marie; Jud, Corinne; Stradner, Anna

By 12 March 2019No Comments

The journal of physical chemistry letters, 2016,



Investigating proteins with techniques such as NMR or neutron scattering frequently requires the partial or complete substitution of D₂O for H₂O as a solvent, often tacitly assuming that such a solvent substitution does not significantly alter the properties of the protein. Here, we report a systematic investigation of the solvent isotope effect on the phase diagram of the lens protein γB-crystallin in aqueous solution as a model system exhibiting liquid-liquid phase separation. We demonstrate that the observed strong variation of the critical temperature Tc can be described by the extended law of corresponding states for all H₂O/D₂O ratios, where scaling of the temperature by Tc or the reduced second virial coefficient accurately reproduces the binodal, spinodal, and osmotic compressibility. These findings highlight the impact of H₂O/D₂O substitution on γB-crystallin properties and warrant further investigations into the universality of this phenomenon and its underlying mechanisms.

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