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Covid-19 – Letter from Xenocs Management

By 20 March 2020No Comments

By Xenocs CEO Peter Høghøj and Managing Director Frédéric Bossan


Dear customers and partners,
Dear all,

At Xenocs, the safety of our employees and partners while ensuring customer satisfaction is our top priority.

In this period of health crisis, we are monitoring the situation on a day-to-day basis and are closely following the recommendations of the authorities to limit the spread of the virus. In this context, we want to share with you the measures we have taken at Xenocs in France, USA and Denmark.

  • Implementation of working from home for all employees who do not need to work on site
  • Strict hygiene and prevention rules have been put in place on site in accordance with the instructions given by the French authorities.
  • Production activities continue at our premises.
  • No external visits are allowed, no travel either.
  • Deliveries are possible on Xenocs site.
  • The Xenocs team and customer support continue to be available by email and phone.

Operations are thus reduced but continued.

This is an unprecedented situation for all of us. We are all working together to overcome it.  Please stay safe.

Kind regards,

Peter Høghøj and Frédéric Bossan